Mt. Wittenberg

Fungus Fair Loop - Point Reyes, California

Fungus Fair Loop - Point Reyes, California

Fungus Fair Loop - Point Reyes, California

5.5 miles / 1,622 ft elevation

On one weekend per year, typically in January, Point Reyes National Seashore hosts a Fungus Fair at its Bear Valley Visitor Center. The Saturday prior to the fair, volunteers are invited to gather at 10AM for a quick orientation and instructions on how to gather mushrooms. After foraging, volunteers can take their collection to the barn next to the visitor center where a guide walks you through what species you collected. Whether you are into mushroom foraging or just want to know a bit more about the California fungi, this short hike to Mt. Wittenberg summit is for you. Visit any time of year as well for an easy scenic loop with views of the coast.